Welcome, you will find my English work here. Such as my ode to trees, my dickens peopm reamake my ream



Many people don’t appreciate


Trees make tall and small houses.

Trees give us oxygen so we can breathe.

Everyday items are made out of wood.

Pencils and books are made

 Out of wood


 These things life wouldn’t

 Be so good.

So next time you walk in a

 Forest hug

A tree and say thanks.

No matter if the tree is

 Small or


 No matter if the leaves

 Are green or red

It’s important that trees

 Are seen.

It’s important that we think green.

Plant a tree and

you will

See life is serene.

Dickens: “In came…”

This assignment was about the story called “A Christmas Carol.”  For this assignment we took part of a paragraph from the book and finished the paragraph ourselves. I learned that the little details in books that most people don’t notice can make a big difference. I also learned that it’s harder than it looks to add words to someone else’s writing style. Luckily I picked a good topic to use to rewrite the paragraph.

In Came Black Friday
In came the employs at two a.m. to set up for the biggest shopping day of the year, Black Friday. In came Marty, running into the store late as usual. In came 20 pairs of eyes staring into the store at 3 am. In came two scared employs standing ready to run when they open the thick glass doors. In came everyone running to get the best pair of shoes that they could find. In came a little girl with her nervous mother worrying that she might lose her small daughter in the wild crowd. In came the excited teens with their brightly colored purses. In came the nervousness of not being able to find the perfect jacket to go with the shirt. In came the loud clanking sound of heels. In came more shoppers some excited, some intimidated, some calm, some awkwardly, some smiling, some frowning; in they all came ready for black Friday.

   Dickens Project
     This project gave me an opportunity to be creative while keeping within the original Dickens story. I learned that it is much harder to write a story than I originally thought it would be. For example when I finished the story and had to correct the story I had to revise it three times. Once I got into the “groove” of writing, the story seemed to flow and writing became easy. If I had to do this assignment again, I would make better use of the time I was given to complete this project.

Stage I  

Andrew sat at work in his chair with his usual frown on his face.

 Andrew worked as an accountant. Everyone there was scared to talk to him because of how cruel a man he was except for three people, his boss and two co-workers. No matter how hard they tried to cheer him up, it would never work. He would just say something to make them shut up and walk away.

People say he was mean because his parents used to abuse him.  Some say he was just born to be mean. There was a time of Andrew’s life when he was sweet and a very kind man until his parents died in a tragic car crash when he was 17. He was never the same after that.

Andrew got up from his chair and went to look through the window. There was a knock at the door.

Andrew yelled,” Who is it?” in a misanthropic way.

 “Henry,” the scared voice said.

 “What do you want?” Andrew said.

 Henry came in.  Henry was short with short reddish blond hair.

 “I was wondering if you could sign these papers for me, Mr. Andrew.”

 “Give me the paper!” said Andrew. He pulled out his pen and snatched the paper out of Henry's hand and signed the paper.

 “I have a question, Andrew.”

 “Make it fast.  I have things to do.”

 “Why are you so rude and mean?” Andrew’s face got red with anger.

“Is it because you’re melancholy or did something happening?”

 “Leave!” Andrew yelled. Henry ran out of the room in embarrassment.

Andrew’s phone rang. He picked it up.


“Hi Andrew, how’s it going?” There was a pause.

“It’s your best friend, Jim.”

“Oh, you!”  said Andrew.

 “Yes,” said Jim. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with the group, you know, John, Nathan and Marlin. Just like old times?”

 “No, I haven’t seen you guys in years I still don’t want to see you now!” He slammed the phone shut.

 Hours passed like centuries. Eventually everyone left to go home except Andrew.  It was 11 p.m., he was still sitting in his chair working on his computer. Bang! He jumped out of his chair onto his feet. There was another bang and then another. Then there was silence.  His hands were shaking, he walked to the door acting like he wasn’t scared but really he was terrified. He opened the door to see that no one was there, he sighed in relief. Andrew turned around to see that there was a man in his office now, it was Marlin. Andrew jerked back in shock.

 “Marlin” he yelled “what you are doing here!”  Andrew went to grab his arm to drag him out of the office building. Andrew’s hand went right through his arm he tried to grab his arm again and again not believing what he saw. He gasped and ran out of his office to the end of a hallway.

 He stopped to catch his breath. “Do you really think you can out run a ghost?” he laughed loudly.  Andrew jumped back, there was nowhere to go Marlin had cornered him.

“What do you want from me Andrew yelled?”

 “Nothing really I’m here to warn you” Marlin said “You will be visited by three spirits. So you can change.”

 “Change! I don’t need to change.”

 “Well everyone around you knows you need to change. The first ghost will come at 11:57, the next will come at 11:58 and the last one will come at 11:59.”

The apparition faded until there was nothing there.

 Andrew did not know what to think of this, if it was real or if it was all just in his head.

 He walked slowly to his desk and sat down in his blue leather chair. He decided that it was all in his head and that he was just tired.

Stage II

Andrew was sound asleep in his chair. He awoke to a voice. He looked at his watch it was 11:57 he gasped.

“Andrew” a voice said “Andrew”. Andrew jumped out of his chair and said

 “Who is that, show yourself!”   All a sudden he saw Jim. He looked younger like he was 15 again and not 42! He was wearing the same clothes he always used to wear, jeans and a t-shirt.  He was standing in the middle of his office.

“Jim?” He said in confusion.  Jim laughed He walked two steps forward, Andrew took two steps back.

“Andrew, buddy there’s nothing to be afraid of. I’m your best friend, here let me explain. I am the ghost of the past he said, I have come here tonight to show you what you were like before everything happened.”

“You’re not real, you can’t be the ghost of the past.”

 “Come here Jim said, I need to do my job.” Andrew started to cry

 “I will change.”

“No you won’t, not unless I do my job.”
 Jim grabbed his shoulder. Next thing Andrew knew he saw himself when he was 12 years old. He was at a park with Marlin, Jim John and Nathan they were sitting on a bench. Andrew followed Jim, they walked towards the kids. He was looking all around rubbing his eye not believing what he was seeing

 “Can they see us?” Andrew asked.

“No.” The kids were laughing and joking.

“Remember when you were happy like that?” Andrew sighed.

 A car drove up and parked on the right side of the parking lot. Some adults got out of the car, Andrews face went white as a ghost.

“My parents!” he said “my parents.” Andrew’s Mom and Dad walked up to young Andrew and said

“Hey Andy, are you ready to go?”

 Andrew smiled and said “bye guys “his mom hugged him.

Ghost Jim said

“Your parents were great people and they never wanted to leave you need to remember that.”

“I remember now how happy I was” Andrew said.

“We need to go now Jim said, John’s waiting for you.” Andrew nodded, a tear ran down his face because he knew this was going to be the last time he was going to see his parents.

 Next thing he knew he was back in his office.

Stage lll

                             Andrew rubbed his eye’s still trying to figure out what just happened.  He still was not sure if he believed it or not.

                              He walked in the office kitchen to grab a glass of water, he sat down in one of the blue plastic seats. He heard footsteps behind him. He turned around. Andrews eyes went huge it was John his other best friend.

                             He was wearing a collared shirt and brown pants but he looked the same, he did not look younger.

“HEY ANDREW!” John yelled. He had a huge grin on his face. Andrew sighed

 “Let me guess Andrew said you are another ghost “

“I am about to show you your present.” John said

“Yeah so let’s go!” There was a huge blue light, then Andrew saw his co-workers. “

“Yeah, I tried talking to him but he would not even listen” Henry said.

“If he was nice, we could stop avoiding him but just face it, Henry he will never change, he’s a horrible mean person” said Molly his other co-worker.

 “I did not know they thought that of me.” Said Andrew “I wish I knew”.

 John giggled

“Maybe if you were nicer, they would like you more.” John giggled.

“Ok well you should think about that” said John “and how your actions affect everyone around you. Well we need to go back now the last ghost will be waiting for you.” A green light blinded Andrew from seeing anything.

Stage lV   

 Andrew was back in the office building.

“Maybe I do need to change” said Andrew. He sighed.

The third ghost appeared it was Nathan, his other best friend. But he looked like he was 90. Nathan didn’t say anything he just pointed to walk out of the kitchen.  Andrew saw a huge room with widows everywhere, he saw Nathan, John, Marlin and Jim all dressed in black. There was a casket. Andrew shouted

“No that’s me it can’t be!” Nathan nodded his head.

“Ok I understand I need to change I’m so sorry.” Andrew was back in the office building.

Stage V

The next morning Andrew woke up in his office.  His hair was a mess, it was eight o’clock. He walked out of the office. Everyone was trying not to make eye contact with Andrew.

“Hey everyone” Andrew said in a happy cheerful voice, now everyone was looking at him.

“I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for everything I did and from now on I will never be the man I was.” Everyone was silent, trying to figure out if he was joking or not.

He pulled out his cell phone to call Jim back. Ring… hello this is Jim please leave a message beep. “Hi! It’s Andrew, I changed my mind. It would be great to see you guy’s again.”

8th Grade Metaphor
Eighth grade is a tree.  The leaves are the students, all different in their own ways. The branches are the teachers, and the roots are all the different people supporting us. A tree may fall down, but it will always grow back. For example, sometimes you might fall down, but you learn and get back up. There will be rough and smooth times like bark, but it will almost always end up okay.




The Yellow Cat

The yellow cat, loved to eat hairy rats.

He went to the kitchen to see his dish.

But instead saw an ugly yellow hat.

Inside the hat was a shiny blue fish.

The big cat spied around the kitchen chair.

Around the kitchen chair was a surprise.

That surprise was a ball of fuzzy hair.

He saw a pair of beady scary eyes.

Then a rat jumped out, the cat ran for it.

They were racing all over the dark house.

Next thing he knew, all of the lights were lit.

His owners came in holding a brown mouse.

The Cat ran to them hoping t was for him.

His owners said lets name the brown mouse Tim!

    Samantha Ivey

    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2011



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